President Buhari and 2019 General Elections: Assuming Tomorrow Doesn’t Come Who Cares?

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Prof. Shehu A. Zuru

On the 9th of Oct 1967 cornered in La Higuera a jungle of Bolivia, hungry, exhausted, abandoned and face to face with his executioners, when the hope to live has ended, when the reality of death has become the inescapable fate, the quintessential revolutionary icon Che Guevara declared “shoot you are only cowards, death will come when it will come anyway, if tomorrow doesn’t come, who cares.”

It is true that in the fluid thesis of common sense that today is all that matters but, that is not entirely correct. This is because, the genius of today is most times dependent on the hard lessons of yesterday, therefore, it is a false mentality to assume that today is all that matters afterall, it is only tomorrow as it were that can deliver the impregnated promises in its underbelly.

Mr President, it is my understanding that the election of 2019 is not about you but rather all about us the patriotic and the desperate faithfuls of hope and promises of the unpredictable tomorrow. The truth is that, what is on the ballot of 2019 general elections is the regeneration of critical infrastructure for development; power, steel and transportation. What is on the ballot is revival of the educational sector, what is on the ballot is agriculture and food security, and what is on the ballot is national security. Therefore, in all ramifications, the election is our last ditched battle for the heart and the soul of this Country and in the end, the forces of light will triumph over the forces of darkness.

It is gratifying to say that the dispassionate assessment of critical feedback from the legion of Nigerian electorates appeared to have concluded that beyond the veil of hatred and political racism, conscientious Nigerians know that in this final titanic battle of wits, the optimism about tomorrow is only justified if our collective resolve is hardened by the bitter lessons of yesterday. At this critical crossroad in the life of this Country, it goes without saying that, the ongoing alignment and realignment of the political forces of evil constitute only an inconsequential threat to our collective dodged determination to say never again.


As the battle for the heart and the soul of this Country gets bloodied, let us remind ourselves that the stakes are too high and there will not be a margin for even the unintended error of judgement. It is my very restrained viewpoint that in this final push for a greater tomorrow, Nigerians have resolved that they will have neither amnesia nor the reckless luxury of relapse into another 16 years Jahiliya period. Albeit, it has been alleged by those who underrated the sagacity and integrity of the Nigerian spirit that Nigeria represents the cheapest market for electoral conscience, make no mistake, there is a broad based consensus among Nigerian electorates that this election of 2019 is about consolidation of the strategic choices that we have made as a Country about the future of the countless generations yet to come.

Therefore, if tomorrow doesn’t come on account of the wrong choices that we make during the election, then who cares? Well, as one of several millions of conscientious Nigerians out there, I really care. The reason is not farfetched. According to Prof. Moorie Schulz as reported by Mitch Albom in the book about his life; “Tuesdays With Morrie”, the worst death does is to take life but it does not change relationships therefore, I represent those that came before me much as I also carry the huge burden of responsibility for the generations yet to come.

In the final analysis, regardless of our individual political persuasions, for those of us who still believe in this Country’s prospects for a greater tomorrow, let us spare a moment to thank Mr President for our yesterday, for the God of tomorrow. Thank you for the precious gift of today, may your generosity redeem the debts of tomorrow. Finally, hello 2019 general election, if not, why not? If not here then where? May God bless Nigeria, Ameen!

Prof Zuru is the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Nile University, Abuja.

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