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Heralding Ramadan 1444ah (2023ce) And The Need For More Introspection And Servitude To Allah, The Most High

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JNI under the leadership of His Eminence, Alhaji (Dr.) Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni, felicitates with the Muslim Ummah on the successful commencement on Thursday, 23rd March, 2023, of the month of Ramadan 1444 AH (2023CE). This year’s Ramadan is however unique in many ways; coming at the heels of the just concluded 2023 General Elections, and within the midst of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) currency policy that is still biting too hard on the citizens, despite efforts in ameliorating its negative impacts. Muslims are therefore called upon to seriously intensify prayers for stability, economic wellbeing and peace of Nigeria. We should use this year’s Ramadan period to seek more Allah’s favours and equally pray fervently for the newly elected leaders at all levels for Allah’s guidance, support and wisdom to steer the country out of its present predicaments to greater heights.

As we know Ramadan is a month of the Glorious Qur’an, because it was revealed to Bayt-el-Izzah within the month of Ramadan, the month of Du’a (supplication) and Dhikr (Allah’s remembrance), the month of Zakah and Sadaqah (giving alms to poor and charity), and the month of Qiyamul-Layl (standing in the night for prayers). In fact, it is the month wherein the night of declaration is witnessed, the night of destiny and majesty which is better than a thousand months.

By being among the chosen ones to witness this blessed month, we are expected to perform all spiritual acts associated with Ramadan, the very best we could and engage in spiritual introspection to rediscover our relationship with Allah, the Most High, in our respective undertakings. We should use the period to ask these soul searching questions; do we really want Allah, the Most High, to be pleased with us? Do we actually believe in the life after death and yet we commit all forms of mind-boggling atrocities? Do we seek for Allah’s mercy, forgiveness and apt intervention over the many ills we are presently facing in the country? This is the time to remain meditative and diligently work for redemption.

Ramadan is a retreat where we are drilled on all aspects of Islamic teachings and Muslim life. We are expected to be attentive and practical during this retreat period in order to sharpen our understanding and practice as well as strengthen our relationship with Allah (SWT). At the end of the retreat, we come out as better Muslims; spiritually and physically in every aspect of our lives.

Being the month of Qur’an exegesis, we call on the Mufassirun (scholars of Qur’an exegesis) to see themselves as Allah’s vicegerents on earth and always be conscious of the trust reposed on them. They are as well the pivot for the Muslim Ummah’s guidance and inspiration, but all these cannot be without appreciating self’s worth by avoiding anything that is inimical to their respective detriment. Therefore, Ramadan Tafsir must be observed with all decorum, honesty and fear of Allah (SWT), such that they will actually be the guidance path for the Ummah and their respective voices will ultimately make the desired impact on the Ummah at any point in time.

If however they choose to be agents of interests other than Allah (SWT) and get themselves involved in mediocrity, surely that will be the beginning of their downfall and great humiliation awaits them in the hereafter. We therefore call on the scholars to strive in sensitizing the Ummah on the need for peaceful co-existence. We also use this medium to call on all those that have taken up arms against the State to in the spirit of Ramadan fear the wrath of Allah (SWT) in a condition of turpitude.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was said to be the most generous among mankind, and he is more generous in the month Ramadan. Therefore, we are urged to emulate the Prophet (PBUH) by helping the poor and the needy in this difficult time of our nationhood. It is in this light that we implore traders and other business owners to, in the Ramadan spirit be more magnanimous by not hiking the prices of essential commodities, please. It should be noted that Allah (SWT) loves those servants who make things easy for fellow servants. We pray Allah (SWT) will continue to bless our respective endeavors as we heed this call for a downward review in prices of commodities for the benefit of the poor among Allah’s servants.

Muslims are also urged to make proper plan of intensifying efforts in the Tilawatul Qur’an (recitation of the glorious Qur’an), and optimally utilize the Ramadan period for good deeds. We also urge the Government, to as a matter of national interest and from the point of security threat, arrest and prosecute all perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity in any part of the country. May Allah (SWT) guide our leaders (both spiritual and temporal) to what is good and better for the nation and the people. Aamin

Lastly, while His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto wishes the Nigerian Muslims an accepted Ramadan fast, it is also prayed to Allah (SWT) to spare our lives to witness more Ramadan in good health and complete faith in Him. Aamin.

Sheikh Dr. Khalid Abubakar Aliyu

Secretary-General, JNI

Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI), N/Hqtrs.,


[email protected]


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