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“An Appeal to Nigerian-Americans: The Urgent Need to Reconsider Political Allegiances”

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In these unprecedented times, Nigerian taxpayers in America find themselves faced with a crucial task: critically examining the actions of the Joe Biden administration. This administration, in whom many placed their trust to uphold democratic principles, has instead chosen to support the inauguration of an individual engulfed in substantial evidence of electoral malpractices, rigging, and thuggery.

These were not merely hushed whisperings or unfounded rumors; they were bona fide occurrences that played out in full view of international observers, including prominent figures like Stacey Abrams.

It is a deeply disheartening spectacle to watch the Biden-led government dismiss these glaring irregularities, opting instead to send representatives to the inauguration. This action, indicative of the Democrats’ apparent shortfall in their commitment to Nigerian democracy, marks a stark deviation from the values we hold dear.

Considering these circumstances, a pressing question emerges: is it time to reconsider our political allegiances? The Republicans, long viewed as the alternative, merit an unbiased opportunity to secure our votes in the upcoming elections.

In response to the recent actions of the Biden administration, it becomes necessary for us to voice our dissent resoundingly. America, a nation that would never endorse a drug baron for its president, appears to contradict its values by supporting an allegedly illegitimate presidency in Nigeria, one rumored to be under the ominous shadow of Tinubu.

This predicament presents itself as a distressing betrayal to the numerous well-meaning Nigerians who have consistently supported and voted for the Democrats over many years. Our trust in the Democrats, rooted in the belief that they would champion democratic principles both domestically and globally, has been noticeably shaken by the Biden administration’s recent actions.

This marks a crucial juncture in our political journey. We must boldly demand transparency and integrity from those in positions of leadership, irrespective of whether they reside on this side of the Atlantic or the other. Let us collectively raise our voices, ensuring they echo across corridors of power, underlining our grave concerns about the preservation of democracy, both in our adoptive homeland, America, and in our motherland, Nigeria.

Article by Dr.Chukwudi Muojieje

Co-converner of Diaspora Medics for Good Governance (DM4GG)

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